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IMF 國際金融統計 (IFS) 資料庫含全球兩百多個國家有關總體經濟方面的統計,有匯率、利率、物價、工資、工業生產、國際貿易、政府收支、國民所得、人口等,總共約 20 萬筆時間序列

AREMOS臺灣經濟統計資料庫系統含臺灣地區之國民所得、金融、貿易、工業生產、人口、就業、物價、薪資、交通、能源、農業、教育等資料,以及股票市場、上市(櫃)公司財務報表、股票報酬率等等,再加上中國總體經濟資料,總共 54 個資料庫約 32 萬筆時間序列。此外本中心與美國「環球透視公司」(IHS Global Insight)正式授權合作,提供 9 個國際經濟資料庫,含世界各國之總體經濟以及 IMF、OECD、國際金融市場等資料,約 44 萬筆時間序列

Bibliography of Asian Studies Online(BAS Online)(《亞洲研究書目論文索引資料庫》)收錄了1971年至今為止全世界範圍內發表的有關亞洲各國及地區的書目論文索引,包括期刊論文、學術專著、編輯著作中的章節、會議論文、文學作品集、紀念論文,語種包括中、日、韓、俄以外的大部分西方語言,文獻學科範圍覆蓋人文、社會科學、醫學、科學技術等,尤其側重人文與社會科學,是當今世界上最大的有關亞洲研究的文獻目錄索引資料庫。該資料庫集紙本資源與電子資源為一體,具有文獻種類齊全,學科及收錄範圍廣泛,流覽查詢方便快捷、訂閱方式靈活多樣等特點


ChinaVision was launched in 1991. It was a prestigious digitization project of a large collection of slides, one of the earliest digitization projects in European higher education. The collection eventually contained over 11.000 slides. A dedicated team worked on the project throughout the 1990s under the direction of the late Professor Erik Zürcher


The aim of the database is to record information about ascriptions of Chinese Buddhist texts, especially in the very many cases in which scholars have questioned received ascriptions (as embodied, for example, in Taishō bylines).

This database is designed as a research tool for the investigation of Chinese storytelling. Chinese storytelling is a wide concept with more than 300 genres in living tradition. Only a selection of these are currently represented in the database, and emphasis is on the oral performance culture of Yangzhou in Jiangsu province. Related oral arts and written genres such as Chinese drama and novel are also part of the research materials. The materials available include:
1. oral performances of storytelling and drama on audio- and video-recordings
2. written documents with relevance to storytelling
3. photos and pictorial art with relevance to storytelling


HathiTrust是由 Committee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) 和加州的11 個大學圖書館共同發起的,目的是在數字環境下長期保存人類知識寶庫。HathiTrusti 的資源主要來自 Google數字圖書館計劃中掃描的圖書。初期以收錄圖書資料及期刊為主,未來可能會把各校機構典藏 ,以數位形式呈現這些資源,讓這些資源有更多創新的機會可以使用在研究、教學與學習上
